CHARLY (Chaos Driven Situations Management Retrieval System) ist ein einzigartiges Training in der Prävention von Stressfolgeerkrankungen und Traumafolgestörungen.


Mental resilience

CHARLY is a unique training platform for the prevention of stress-related illnesses and trauma-related disorders. Specifically designed for emergency forces, it helps to increase their resilience against traumatic experiences.

Mit CHARLY erlernen Einsatzkräfte Selbsthilfekompetenzen zur Bewältigung von akuten Belastungsreaktionen, um die psychosoziale Belastbarkeit effizient und nachhaltig zu erhöhen.
PSYCHOSOCIAL RESILIENCE Increased efficiently and sustainably
With CHARLY, deployed forces learn self-help skills to cope with acute stress reactions and therefore increase their psychosocial resilience efficiently and sustainably.


  • Optimise and improve the effectiveness of mission preparation
  • Reduce the risk of stress-related illnesses (e.g. anxiety and panic disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, psychosomatic complaints)
  • Preventive measure also to maintain the health of emergency personnel
  • In the interactive and sensor-based setting, participants do not only learn on a cognitive level. They also benefit from individual behavioural training through self-awareness and interactive experimentation with self-management methods.

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