Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung für jeden Einsatz mit der ESG.


Uninterruptible power supply for any mission

Shifting parameters for military exercises and operations as well as ambitious environmental protection goals pose considerable challenges for the future energy supply of military vehicles.

Ongoing vehicle upgrades to increase operational readiness and operational capability lead to increasing energy requirements. Conventional technology alone, however, can no longer cover these requirements bearing in mind the restrictions caused by form-fit-function concepts. The scope for improving the efficiency of current internal combustion engines is also very limited, while at the same time the consumption of fossil fuels needs to be reduced.

Energy supply systems that are sustainable in the long term must therefore fulfil exacting requirements: They must meet military capability requirements and be free of fossil fuels by 2045 in order to ensure operational readiness and contribute to achieving climate protection goals.


Der von der ESG und 2H Energy entwickelte drehzahlvariable Generator als Hybridsystem bietet die erste bewährte Stromversorgungslösung zur Reduzierung der Abhängigkeit von fossilen Energieträgern.

The solution: variable speed generators as a hybrid system

The variable speed generator as a hybrid system developed by ESG and 2H Energy is the first proven power supply solution to reduce dependency on fossil fuels. It offers a transitory technology to meet the goals for future power supply systems and already demonstrates multiple benefits for military deployment today.

  • Stable and uninterruptible power supply
  • Qualified for military use (STANAG II)
  • Optimised for territorial defence and stabilisation missions
  • Increase combat effectiveness by raising endurance and ensuring cold start capability
  • 40 % reduction in fuel consumption despite multi-fuel capability
  • 40 % reduction in CO2 and NOX emissions
  • Significantly quieter
  • Higher performance within the same installation space
  • Reduced wear and tear
  • Improved reliability


Powered by ESG und 2H Energy

The variable speed generator as a hybrid system developed by ESG and 2H Energy will in future be deployed as the new Prime Power Unit for the world's most powerful artillery location radar COBRA (Counter Battery Radar).

For many years, ESG has been responsible for the in-service support and further development of the COBRA system as prime contractor and System Design Authority (futher  information here).

Der von der ESG und 2H Energy entwickelte drehzahlvariable Generator als Hybridsystem wird zukünftig als neue Prime Power Unit für das weltweit leistungsfähigste Artillerieortungsradar eingesetzt.
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